Theory and Practice of Spatial Planning | Number 10 | Year 2022 | ISSN 2350-3637

Domen Kušar1, Kristijan Lavtižar1:

Roof Color as a Factor of Architectural Landscape Design

Creative Commons License DOI 10.15292/IU-CG.2022.10.036-043 | UDK 711.4:692.4 | SUBMITTED: 09/2022 | REVISED: 11/2022 | PUBLISHED: 12/2022
Author's affiliation: 1 University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture, Slovenia

For many centuries, the settlements had a fairly uniform image, which was the result of the use of local materials, technology and the economic condition of the population. With the development of the construction profession and the improvement of material conditions, building materials and construction technology also began to change, the market supply has diversified, which led to changes in the appearance of buildings. The roof, also known as the fifth facade, affects to the external image of the settlement. According to Fister et al., the design of roofs and their colour (roofing) are among the most recognizable components of architecture as criteria for the identity of architectural landscapes. The roof changes were the most drastic in the last 150 years. As the covering changed, so did the colour. The development of roofs in Slovenia with an emphasis on the key influencers of the development is presented in the paper. We limited ourselves to individual houses as carriers of the landscape's architectural identity. We compared the colour of the roofs on a sample of over 700 houses in the architectural region Savinjsko-Kozjansko, which data were obtained as part of the research project V5-2111: Architectural typologies and architectural landscapes and regions of Slovenia. We compared the obtained data with the requirements of spatial plans of municipalities and the characteristics described by Fister et al. The results showed the differences between the situation 30 years ago, the requirements of spatial acts and the current situation. Although the research involved a small sample, we can conclude that the situation is similar in most Slovenian places. The obtained results enable a broader view of this problem and open the possibility of appropriate action. Settlements that are recognized for their high-quality settlement architecture are shown as examples of excellent practice.

roof, colours, architectural landscape, identity, architectural region Savinjsko-Kozjanska


Kušar, D., Lavtižar, K. (2022). Roof Color as a Factor of Architectural Landscape Design. Igra ustvarjalnosti - Creativity Game, (10), 36-43.

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